
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Portrait of an ENFP

Instead of working on my article this morning, I went online and took the Myers-Briggs personality trait test. Why would I do this, you ask? Answer: Either because I am a masochist... or because I wanted printed proof that I am not a lunatic.

Case in point: apparently I am an Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiver [ENFP] (seriously, that’s what they call it). What this means is that I have the fabulous tendency to move from job to job, have constant worry about my Place in the World, and tirelessly seek out new experiences to fulfill my restless soul.

On a lighter note: "ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential (My teachers were right!). They live in the world of possibilities (Of course I'm going to be a famous writer!), and can become very passionate and excited about things (I am moving to Peru to teach English!)."

On the bright side, this test did come back saying that the number one career choice for us restless ENFPs is Journalist/Reporter. So that's something.

(See Mom, I’m just normal for my personality type!)

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